Dental cleaning will ensure you have healthy gums and whiter teeth

Cleaning and Prevention

Dentist Recommendations » Important Methods For Prevention» Dr. Cristina Morfiri

“The Fundamental Principle of Dental Science is Prevention”

Christina Morfiri will take great care of you from your first appointment.  Once your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned, you will discover how beautiful they really are.

Dental cleaning will ensure you have healthy gums and whiter teeth – but how?

By removing tartar using the appropriate ultrasound, by thoroughly cleaning any periodontal pockets in the gums, by fluoridating the teeth using air flow and by brushing and polishing your teeth.

Cleaning And Prevention
Cleaning and Prevention

Even if you have neglected to get your teeth cleaned for over two years it is never too late to treat your teeth.

Dental cleaning protects your gums and your teeth.

Dr. Morfiris' Suggestions For Cleaner Healthier Teeth

  • Brushing with toothpaste which contains fluoride
  • Using a medium toothbrush after every meal
  • Using dental floss after brushing your teeth in the evening
  • Using mouth wash after flossing
  • Avoiding sugar in foods and coffee and not smoking

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Dr. Cristina Morfiri, Cosmetic Dentist in Glyfada Athens.

Dr. Morfiri Points Out «4 Key Points» To Better Oral Hygiene.

What methods can we use to tackle dental problems?

Treating bacterial plaque and dental caries. Teeth and gums are damaged by the bacteria that create Dental Plaque.

The only way to remove these bacteria from your mouth is to brush your teeth well everyday. Take a look at the following 4 key points to better oral hygiene.

Daily Dental Routine



You should keep to a daily routine for tooth and mouth care and visit your dentist at least once a year. Choose toothpastes and mouthwashes which contain fluoride and encourage children aged 4-12 to have fluoride treatment every 6 months.

Choosing the right toothpaste helps.



Most toothpastes now contain fluoride.
Fluoride helps teeth to withstand wear and tear. Do some research before buying your toothpaste to ensure you chose the right one for you.

Get a Good Toothbrush



Toothbrushes have nylon bristles and should not be either very hard or very soft, and the surface area should be fairly small. How long a toothbrush lasts depends on how it is used, but you should get a new toothbrush at least every three months.

Compliment your Brushing with Mouthwash



The various mouthwashes on the market should be used to compliment brushing. They should never be used as a replacement for brushing, which is highly effective.

Dr. Morfiri answers dental questions regarding the Cleaning and Prevention for healthier teeth.

Dr. Cristina Morfiri, Dental Surgeon in Glyfada
What should your everyday mouth care routine be?

You need to be very patient when looking after your teeth if you want them to always be sparkling clean, strong and healthy. Treating bacterial plaque and dental caries. The only way to remove these bacteria from your mouth is to brush your teeth well everyday. Invest time in brushing your teeth properly two or three times a day, immediately after every meal. Use a toothbrush which is suitable for you and which can reach all areas of your mouth. Finish off your brushing by using a special brush or dental floss to clean the areas which your toothbrush cannot reach (e.g. the spaces between your teeth). As well as brushing your teeth every day, you need to be careful with your diet, limit your sugar intake and visit your dentist at least once a year.

What is the right toothpaste for me?

The most suitable toothpaste should provide protection and ensure good dental hygiene. First and foremost, toothpaste must provide antibacterial protection. This fights dental caries and plaque and leaves your breath feeling wonderfully cool and fresh. If you have a problem with gingivitis or are vulnerable to suffering from it, it is a good idea to choose a toothpaste that protects and guards against gingivitis.

How do I chose a suitable toothbrush?

Toothbrushes should be flexible, should reach the back teeth easily, should be durable and able to effectively remove any food which has become stuck in your teeth. They are usually available in three strengths, with soft, medium and hard bristles, to meet everyone’s different needs. They should be like a medical instrument, in that the head should be at a slight angle so that it can reach the back teeth effectively.

Do not forget to replace your toothbrush at least once every 3 months so that you are confident that it is giving you the right results. Choose children’s toothbrushes for your kids, as their surface is suitable for children’s mouths.

How do I use dental floss?

Dental floss has an important role to play. It removes potentially dangerous pieces of food that get stuck between the teeth and can cause great damage.  Wrap a piece of dental floss round the middle finger of each hand so that it can be shortened and you can use it effectively. Hold the floss between your index fingers and thumbs and start passing the floss down between your teeth. As soon as the floss reaches your gums, gently “stroke” the gum with the floss and take the floss to the opposite side of the tooth. Touch the tooth with the floss and, with gentle up and down movements, remove all traces of leftover food.  Repeat this procedure for all your teeth, Every so often, wind out a few centimeters of new floss to make sure you are always using clean floss.

Taking care of your diet

Your diet should be completely balanced and healthy.  A balanced diet contributes to oral health and proper tooth and gum formation, and the correct intake of vitamins, minerals and essential trace elements helps heal wounds and fight infections. Fight dental plaque when it first appears.  Reduce sugar consumption or take care to clean your teeth after eating sugary foods. Aim to eat specific, regular meals and to brush your teeth after eating. Do not be tempted to eat snacks that you do not have control over in between meals. Do not eat unplanned, fast foods or you will end up eating foods and soft drinks that contain a lot of sugar and other carbohydrates that are damaging to your dental health.